Amazon Drygoods

Quality historical goods, patterns as well as the many parts and pieces for entire outfits.

Cap Supply Company – US

We make it easy anyone who to find the cap supplies for a professional grade cap. We offer a wide variety of hat brims, hat visors, golf buckles, buckles, sweatbands, fasteners, plastic snapbacks, leather straps, and buttons.

EvaDress Patterns

EvaDress brings you accurately reproduced vintage patterns in single and multiple sizes.

Folkwear Patterns

Express your creative style with the clothes you make and wear. Folkwear patterns have been used by theatre and dance costumers, historic reenactors, art-to-wear aficionados, and anyone who enjoys dressing up.

Home-Sew USA

Notions, trims patterns, labels, books and so much more. Also have a print catalog.

Out of Portrait Hats – CA

Hats, costumes, patterns and workshops. Lynn does it all.

Vintage Pattern Lending Library

A source for reproduction vintage patterns from the 1860s through the 1950s.